Prostatitis is a male disease that not only causes discomfort in everyday and intimate life, but also brings painful sensations that can manifest themselves in varying degrees of severity. In most clinical cases, treatment is carried out by conservative methods, and much less often, when it transforms into a tumor, surgical intervention can be prescribed. One of the main conditions for the success of therapy is an integrated approach to the recovery of the patient. Treatment should be based not only on taking medications, but also on following proper nutrition, including physical exercise in the daily regimen; it is the latter that will be discussed in the featured article.

Characteristics of the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is the main organ in the male body responsible for reproductive functions. The prostate is located in the genitourinary system, the main task of this organ is to ensure the normal process of secretion of a transparent color, this substance is released when a man is in an excited state.
Why does the prostate activate the secretion? This substance ensures the maintenance of the normal functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, acts as a protective barrier, is a natural, natural lubricant, delivers nutrients to sperm and significantly increases the level of their mobility.
In addition, the prostate gland controls the functioning of the urinary system. The prostate contains smooth muscles that control the filling and emptying of the bladder.

Experts say that the anatomy of the male body provides the mandatory function of the prostate. Otherwise, serious violations may appear, dangerous pathologies will arise. It is important to ensure the correct functioning of the prostate, special sports exercises will be an excellent help not only during the recovery period, but also as preventive measures.
With prostatitis, an inflammatory process is diagnosed, as a result of which, through the urethral canal, pathogenic microorganisms, infectious agents of a variable nature, representatives of the bacterial flora, can enter the internal environment of the body.
How correctly, with inflammation of the prostate gland, a man feels the following symptoms:
- Pain, of various kinds;
- There may be discomfort when urinating, pain, cuts, burning sensation;
- Unusual discharge with urine (mucous impurities, streaks of blood);
- Urine changes color, becomes cloudy;
- There is discomfort during sexual intercourse, pain, unpleasant sensations of "stiffness";
- Erection problems are diagnosed, in advanced cases it is completely absent;
- Disorders of the ejaculation process;
- Hormonal imbalance

The listed symptoms can greatly alter the usual lifestyle above. Men feel uncomfortable during sexual intercourse, their "masculine" functions are markedly reduced. The imbalance of hormones makes itself felt in the form of external manifestations:
- In a man, the mammary glands can be noticeably enlarged;
- The abdomen becomes more rounded;
- Some people notice a lack of sexual desire.
If you do not notice the symptoms in time, the disease can develop into an advanced stage, which involves the formation of a benign or malignant tumor. Today, there are many methods for the early diagnosis of prostatitis, which makes it possible to eliminate the causes of the pathology even before the appearance of the main symptoms of the disease.
Competent treatment can prevent relapses and fully restore the functioning of the prostate gland.
Benefits of exercise for prostatitis
In the case of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, effective and high-quality therapy must include a whole range of therapeutic measures aimed at obtaining a rapid and long-lasting result. As a rule, doctors do not only do it with drugs, but also prescribe physiotherapy procedures, therapeutic massages, nutritional correction, and also recommend doing regular exercises, which is beneficial for the prostate.
Gymnastics for the prostate is always shown during the rehabilitation period. Exercise is also useful as a prophylaxis, as it helps prevent the development of pathologies of the genitourinary system, keeps the prostate in good condition and preserves its natural functions.
What are the benefits of exercise for prostatitis? The following advantages can be highlighted:
- With regular exercise, the muscle tone of the lower extremities, abdominals and the gluteal area is noticeably strengthened;
- There is a stimulation of muscle tissue in the perineal region;
- Blood flow in the small pelvis normalizes;
- It has a beneficial effect on the joints of the hip region;
- The functioning of the nervous system is supported.

Doctors advise exercising as often as possible, not skipping training days. The effectiveness depends entirely on how often the patient is involved, how much effort you put into the process.
However, you should not overload yourself with excessive activities. The exercises performed should not cause painful sensations and discomfort to the patient, only slight tension is possible, which indicates the effectiveness of the training.
To start a course of exercises to improve the state of the prostate gland, it is necessary to clearly understand the physiology of the body, in order to know exactly where this organ is located. There are two main ways to understand where the prostate is:
- The prostate gland is felt in the space between the anus and the scrotum. The patient should place the finger two centimeters from the anus and make a pressing movement; during such manipulations, a round base should be felt, which is the prostate. To make it easier to find the gland, doctors recommend using this method during sexual intercourse, since at this time it contains a large amount of secretory fluid and is pronounced.
- The second method is called "rectal. "A finger is inserted about 6 centimeters into the anus and the walls of the rectum are probed until a round lump is found, which is the prostate gland.
The course of exercises should be prescribed by the attending physician, who determines the patient's condition. Classes are not held during acute periods when a man suffers from severe pain or discomfort in the perineum and anal area.

Kinds of chronic prostatitis
Chronic prostatitis is particularly challenging for both doctors and patients. The disease is in an advanced stage, it became chronic. Sometimes it progresses mainly without pronounced symptoms, during the period of exacerbation, pain, discomfort during intercourse, impaired urination and unusual discharge may appear.
A special set of physical exercises will help to alleviate the patient's condition and restore the functionality of the prostate gland.
Exercise number 1
The patient should take a "lying" position on his back, the arms should be extended along the entire body. The patient needs to support a little on the feet and begin to bend the knees, it is important to do it very carefully, slowly and smoothly. The legs should be pulled towards you and at the same time the knees should be spread out to the sides. Return to the original position. The exercise is repeated 12 to 16 times.
Exercise number 2
A man needs to lie on his back on a hard surface, with his arms extended over the body. Bend your legs in the knee area, bring your feet together. Then, you should extend your knees to the maximum, perform the movement smoothly and slowly. Return the lower extremities to their original position, while trying to tense them as much as possible. As a final action, he should firmly press the knees together, wait 10 seconds. The exercise is repeated 14 to 20 times.
Exercise number 3
The patient should lie on his stomach and stretch his arms all over his body. The right leg bends at the knee, rises upward in slow motion, and also falls slowly downward. You should not lift your leg as high as possible, you need to monitor the quality of the performance. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each leg.
Exercise number 4
The patient should stand up and spread the legs at shoulder level. Slow squats are performed (not completely), while the arms are extended forward. When the patient returns to the starting position, the legs are not extended. The most important thing is to squat with little amplitude. It should be repeated 6-8 times.
Exercise for congestive prostatitis
With congestive prostatitis, the doctor prescribes a series of specialized exercises.
Exercise number 1
This exercise is called a "glute walk" and should be done on the floor while sitting. The hips are raised in turn, the movement is performed in such a way that the performer advances. Particular attention should be paid to the technique of execution: it must be competent and fluent, there is no need to rush.
Exercise number 2
You will need a ball to complete this exercise. The lesson can be performed in two positions (lying down, standing). The bottom line is that the ball is squeezed between the thighs and held for as long as possible. This exercise has a beneficial effect on the state of the prostate gland, significantly improving blood circulation to this organ.
Exercise number 3
The essence of the exercise lies in the fact that you need to strain the lower extremities with weight. The patient should sit on the floor, slightly lean the body towards the back. Legs are extended straight, hands should be on the floor with strong support. He should lift his feet 20 cm up, bring his legs to his chest and bend his knees. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 20-25 times.
Exercise number 4
You need to lie on your back, stretch your legs forward. The man should begin to gently extend himself and bring the extremities of the feet. It is important to start with smooth movements and move forward at a fast pace. The exercise should be done for one minute.
Exercise number 5
This exercise is called a jump. In doing so, it is necessary to pull the kneecaps as far as possible. During the jump, the knees should be located on the chest damage. About 15 jumps are performed in one approach, 3 approaches are recommended.
Preventive classes
Unfortunately, only a small proportion of patients pay enough attention to the prevention of prostatitis. High-quality rehabilitation plays an important role after an acute period.
Doctors recommend including a course of physiotherapy in the treatment, trying to get rid of bad habits, preferring proper nutrition and taking effective exercise.
The most effective exercises for the prevention of prostatitis are:
- Exercise is useful not only for the prostate gland, but also for the normalization of the functioning of the rectum. The patient should stand on the kneecaps, bring the feet back, and extend the heels. It is necessary to try to keep the knees in a reduced position as long as possible, move to a sitting position on the feet, put the palms of the hands in the knee area. In this position, the man must contract the anal sphincter muscles for 10 seconds and then relax them. Perform 20-30 reps.
- The condition for the next session is an empty stomach. A man needs to take a "standing" position, lean forward 45 degrees, put the palms of the hands with emphasis on the knees. With a deep breath, he contracts his abdominal muscles. It is recommended to maintain this position until a slight feeling of discomfort arises. Finally, he exhales slowly and relaxes the muscles.
- The patient approaches the wall, the right leg is bent at the knee, the foot should rest against the wall. Then he should slowly begin to bend his left leg, at this time the squat is performed. This exercise is an effective stretch of the inner thigh muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the prostate gland. It is recommended to repeat it 10 times.
- The patient is lying on the floor, trying to lift his knees, while his lower extremities are parallel to the floor. The man then performs the well-known "bicycle" exercise, with his feet pointing upward. It is recommended to repeat the exercise 15 times.

Doctors recommendations
For exercise courses to be of maximum benefit, you should follow your doctor's recommendations. It is important to pay due attention to the technique of execution, as well as to adhere to all conditions. During the class appointment, the patient should not experience a pronounced pain syndrome, the state of health should be satisfactory.
Helpful Tips From Competent Professionals:
- If you started doing an exercise, you need to finish it to the end. It is not recommended to abruptly interrupt the lesson, move on to others. The imposed load must necessarily be uniform to have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process.
- How to understand that the exercise is done correctly and achieve the desired effect? Doctors say that with proper performance at the end of classes, there is a sensation of heat in the pelvic area.
- When performing absolutely any exercises for prostatitis, an additional advantage will be the frequent contraction / loosening of the muscles of the anus; Such an addition will help to quickly remove congestion and improve the condition of the prostate gland.
- Before starting exercise therapy for the prostate, it is recommended to take some time to warm up, which will help warm up the body and muscles before an effective workout.

It is worth noting that not everyone is shown therapeutic exercises for diseases of the prostate. Doctors say that the prostate gland is a vital but extremely vulnerable organ.
That is why there are contraindications to exercising:
- The period after surgery (up to 6 months);
- Acute period of existing pathologies of internal organs;
- The presence of fever and fever, low-grade fever (up to 38, 5 degrees);
- Postponed stroke, heart attack;
- The presence of viral infectious diseases;
- Diagnosis of aortic aneurysm;
- The presence of an inguinal hernia;
- Abdominal hernia;
- Intervertebral hernia;
- High blood pressure;
- Exacerbated prostatitis.
Doctors urge patients not to ignore existing contraindications. Otherwise, undesirable, sometimes life-threatening consequences can develop for the patient. All exercises must be performed carefully, paying attention to the state of your body.
Reviews (2)
- The first review: "Prostatitis gave me many problems, which became complex. After drug treatment, I was prescribed a course of physical therapy and physical therapy exercises. At first, I did all the classes under the supervision of a doctor who corrected my Technique. Now I have been practicing at home for two months and I feel positive results. It became much easier for me, the pains disappeared, the congestions were eliminated. "
- Second review: "Despite my young age, I was faced with a diagnosis of prostatitis. Fortunately, timely access to a doctor and modern diagnostic methods have prevented the development of chronic prostatitis, the exercises that I did every day were They became a great help. The selected course of studies will not only alleviate the condition, but also restore the normal functioning of the prostate gland. "
- Third review: "Prostatitis has completely disturbed the hormonal balance and intimate life. The doctor recommended that I start practicing according to the scheme, which he described to me in detail. Three months later I had the same erection, I got rid of the congestion , the pain disappeared. I still do exercises for prevention. "